Company News

Proactive Defense

The "OSPD" (Online Solutions Proactive Defense) proactive security system provides the integrity of software environment and blocks the activity of known and unknown malicious code in advance.

The security core comprises several technological approaches: HIPS, SandBox, AntiRootkit, AntiSpyware and an antivirus.

The "OSPD" system protects the user’s computer from unknown viruses and “Trojan horses” using the advantages of the behavioral analysis technology, but is not limited to it. The behavioral method is based on the analysis of what specifically applications do in the system: some actions may be legitimate and harmless, but their combination in a certain sequence can explicitly point to malicious intentions.

*** The product will be released as a part of "OSSS" (Online Solutions Security Suite) »

Functional capabilities:

*** The product will be released as a part of "OSSS" (Online Solutions Security Suite) »