Company News

Change list for OSSS: Security Suite v1.0 Beta

  1. Partially enabled the self protection module (pay attention to the uninstallation process!).
  2. Added the experimental heuristical analyser of the events risk level.
  3. Implemented the ability of automatic rule creation for safe and malicious programs, based on heuristical analyser (experimental adaptation).
  4. Added some new hooks for control over events (registry key rename, access to kernel through undocumented way, process suspending).
  5. Improved action request windows interface. The windows are more friendly and usable now. (The second step of the big interface improvement plan has been done).
  6. Improved NDIS WAN interfaces support. Added ADSL ISDN modems support. PPPoE and VPN connections have been tested.
  7. Implemented the new way of work with Trusted and Blocked applications groups.
  8. Added the ability to view internal DNS-cache (search, removing of elements).
  9. Added new and modified old application icons.
  10. Fixed:
    • kernel memory leak (after long work without reboot the system could be crashed with BSOD)
    • WAN-adapter detection error
    • IP addresses adding and removal processing error.